Release  Horizon League ·

March 30, 2005

Turner, a junior golfer for the Butler Bulldogs, plays a sport where his individual performance greatly affects his teams chances for victory.  He has taken it upon himself to try and put his best forward throughout his collegiate athletic and academic careers.  Horizonleague.org wondered what it took to be successful on both the course and in the classroom for Will.



What do you feel is your biggest accomplishment throughout your collegiate career on the course and in the classroom?


While at Butler I have had many accomplishments on and off the course.  Off the course, I can list a number of things.  However, my most meaningful accomplishment is being named to Butler's Top 100 students earlier this spring.  To be recognized as a top student in a prestigious university such as Butler is truly an accomplishment, especially for a student-athlete.  Playing golf is much more than missing class 2 days a week.  Golf is the one thing that I struggle with.  The nature of the sport demands perfection, something that is not very attainable, and that is why I love it.  At the end of last spring season, I was named to the All-Conference Tournament Team, All-Conference Academic Team, and was given the mental attitude award by my teammates.  The latter two awards are the most meaningful to me because they reward my ability on the course, and my off course character.


Why did you decide to attend Butler University?


My oldest sister, Katie, attended Butler University and loved it.  I knew I wanted to play college golf and Butler was the perfect fit for my academic and athletic needs.  Plus, Indianapolis is a great city!!!


Can you describe the experience of being relatively close to home?  Has support from your family affected your career or your studies?


I live roughly two hours from home.  This distance is perfect for me.  It allows occasional visits home, but also is far enough away where I feel that I am "away" at college.  My parents have been the biggest influence in my life.  They lead me to wise decisions and are always very supportive.  My whole family is very close-knit and we keep in touch even though all three of my sisters live in separate cities.  It is nice to have a family that you can always count on and really enjoy being around.


What is the thing you enjoy most about being part of a team as a player and teammate to others?


My favorite thing about being part of a team is winning.  There is no greater feeling that putting the team's goal ahead of your own and accomplishing it.  However, winning alone does not make my team experiences memorable.  Creating friendships is far more important to me than any score or scholarship I have received at Butler. 


What do you find to be the most challenging part of golf, and how does it compare with the challenges you have had to face in the classroom as a student?


The most challenging part of golf is the inconsistent nature.  There are always new circumstances whether it be the weather, course, swing problems, etc...  This is true in the classroom as well.  Each teacher has their own teaching style and class structure.  Adapting to these changes will help your learning as well as your grade!


How has being a student athlete enhanced your college experience at Butler?


Becoming a student-athlete was the best decision I have made at Butler.  If nothing else, it has helped with my time management.  Balancing classes, extra-curricular organizations, practices, and matches is an art that I have grown very accustomed to.  The time management needed to balance all of these commitments will be very useful for me as I grow older and gain more responsibilities.


Have any of your classes had any influence on the way you view yourself as a student-athlete?


When I first tell a professor that I am a golfer and will be missing a lot of class I usually get a disgusted look from them.  However, as they see my diligence and performance in their class, I see a much improved attitude towards me as a student-athlete.  If I have learned one thing from classes here at Butler it is that there is no one that you can't impress.  The way to impress people isn't through acting fake; it is by going above and beyond their expectations in all that you do.


Can you describe the difficulties of maintaining a high performance level academically while striving to perform at an equal level on the course?


It is tough.  A lot of times I think the costs outweigh the benefits of playing college golf.  However, it is during these stressful times that I truly realize how much I love golf and how much I will miss it once I graduate from Butler.  College is said to be the best time of one's life.  I agree, but golf makes it that much better.


Do you find golf, being a very individual orientated sport, more of a challenge because there are no other teammates that can aid your overall performance?


I find golf more challenging than any other sport I've played, but not because of the individual aspect of the sport.  Golf, in fact, is more of a team sport to me than many other sports I have played.  The trust and faith that is needed in your teammates is far greater in golf and is much tougher to attain than other sports.  Without that trust and faith, it is hard to concentrate on your own individual score, thus not achieving the team's goals.


As an upper classman approaching graduation, can you offer any advice to your younger teammates or other athletes that may be just starting their own collegiate careers?


Set your priorities.  You have to decide what is important in your life and lead your life in such a way that devotes enough time to each priority.  Also, don't take any time for granted.  The time you spend with your teammates will be over in a blink of an eye.  Enjoy your time, work hard, and develop friends.  After all, it is people we make memories with.


During your off-season, how do you like to spend the extra amount of free time that you have?


While at school in the off-season I spend the majority of my time with my girlfriend, Emily.  We hang out with my housemates and friends and have a lot of fun.  I also play a lot of basketball and tennis.   Other than that, I love to watch movies, fix up things around the house, and go bowling.  In the summer I can be found working and at my lake cottage out on the water.


What are your career plans after graduation?


I will most likely attend law school somewhere in the Midwest.  Although I haven't totally decided, my options are a law/MBA dual degree which will take four years or just a law degree (3 years).  If I decide law school is not for me, I will interview for jobs in a financial/business related field and attend classes to get an MBA.

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