Blog  Adam Coppinger ·

Knowing and seeing are two different things. I knew this was a ‘new-look' Viking squad yet I was still surprised at how new. I'm talking right out of the box, still smells like a new car, still has all the pieces, brand-spanking new.

For everything that seemed new, the defense was a little rusty.

Obviously several key pieces are missing but the defensive intensity and interior toughness that are trademarks of Gary Waters teams were absent. John Carroll got far too many easy looks around the rim and uncontested layups. Now it's important to remember that this team is a work in progress. Coach Waters said in his post-game press conference, "this will be a team to be reckoned with in January and February." That's a long way from now but I agree.

For all the missed assignments on defense, the team played very hard. Bodies hit the hardwood several times in each half for both sides. Even big Aaron Pogue hit the floor for a loose ball at one point. The Wolstein Center floor is still recovering. Every combination possible was trotted out there by the CSU coaching staff. Add in the fact that there are eight new players and it's easy to see why this team has a lot of room for improvement. Chemistry and experience were key parts of the success of 08-09 and they're two things Magnus' boys don't have right now.

There were also a lot of good things I saw out there from the Vikings.

This version of the Vikings is an infinitely better shooting team. Tre Harmon got his shot up with ease and good results, going 6-8 from three-point range. But it was more of the team shooting, not just Harmon and Jeremy Montgomery, that stood out to me. Josh McCoy had an easy release on his jumper and Jared Cunningham has range. As I look at the boxscore, maybe it was the confidence to shoot open jumpers more than the results that stood out.

The ability to force turnovers at a high rate continues to be CSU's bread and butter. The Vikings played a pretty basic man-to-man press for most of the night, perhaps keeping more complex presses for later in the season. Forcing 29 turnovers with a vanilla defense? Not bad. As they learn how to help each other better and communicate in transition, you'll start seeing more exotic looks from coach Waters.

Much like Detroit, this team isn't a finished product. They'll tease us with the spectacular then confuse us with inconsistency. Maddening? Maybe. Fun? You bet.

Here are some notes I wrote down during the game tonight:

- Jared Cunningham can really move at 6'9". He started at the four, spread the floor, and looked mobile and capable of handling a smaller perimeter player defensively.

- Pogue's post defense needs work. Lots of it. If he plays like he did tonight Patrick Patterson will... well let's not think of what might happen in that scenario. His hands left a little to be desired as well. Coach Waters DID go out of his way to heap praise on Pogue after the game for his great offseason. Might have just been a bad night.

- Nigel Ajere can score. He is a handful on wing with a great first step. He had the reputation as a finisher but showed the ability to create his own shot tonight.

- Who is this team's go-to guy? When the easy baskets aren't coming who is going to take the team on their back and make tough shots?

- Lance James looked like he could be a pretty good on-ball defender but struggled at times to run the offense.

Tags: Cleveland State - Men's Basketball
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