Release  Horizon League ·

Jan. 4, 2005

Originally from Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, Henri strives to improve in order to make Butler's volleyball program the best it can be.  As a junior in the classroom, Henri also mentors first-year pharmacy students.  Horizonleague.org wondered what it was like as a mentor and her experiences with Butler.


Q:    What experiences have you had with collegiate athletics?


A:    I have been a part of the Butler University Volleyball team since the fall of 2002 and red-shirted that season, which I am very grateful for.  I was able to get a good feel for college academically and the new level of play at the collegiate level.


Q:    How has collegiate athletics enhanced your two years at Butler?


A:    Being part of a team on the college level has been a great experience for me. Since I am so far away from home, the volleyball team became my only source of family from day one.  As a scared freshman in a new city and school I was okay because I knew 13 other students that I could rely on for anything.


Q:    What is the biggest accomplishment you have made in athletics?


A:    I would have to say that it is playing Division I volleyball.  From the time I started playing volleyball and basketball at the competitive level, I began to dream of going on playing in college.  To play at the Division I level is something that so many students strive and work so hard to do but not many reach, so to be here is a blessing and an accomplishment in itself.


Q:    Why did you decide to attend Butler?


A:    I have always attended small private schools since kindergarten so the idea to go to a big state school wasn't too appealing. I wanted to stay in a school where I wouldn't be just a number and of course had a good academic reputation.  Combined with the big city setting that I am used to from living in Vancouver, it seemed like a perfect fit.


Q:    Why did you choose to go into pharmacy?


A:    I have always been interested in medicine, and biology and chemistry were always my favorite subjects in school.  I am also fluent in Spanish as I am half Mexican and am very interested in using my language abilities to help the Latino community which is growing so rapidly.  Pharmacists are the most accessible healthcare professionals and therefore it seems to be a good way in which I can accomplish this goal.


Q:    What is it like as a mentor for first-year pharmacy students?


A:    The first year of pharmacy can be a stressful time. It is good to be able to guide and encourage a first year student because you have already been through it and survived.


Q:    What have you learned from being a mentor?


A:    I have learned that as upperclassmen no matter where or in what sense, we are role models to new students and those in the years below us.  What we do, say and even our appearance has a bigger impact on them than we might think of.  If we are positive but realistic about our experiences when talking to them they are more encouraged about their own futures.


Q:    What contributions have you made to the Butler volleyball team?


A:    I think that my main contribution to the team is the example I set in my desire to work hard to achieve my personal best in the classroom, on the court and in the weight room.


Q:    How are you making the volleyball program the best it can be?


A:    A team is only as strong as its weakest link so I am always working to improve, to be stronger, more reactive and more versatile.  Since there are more practices than games and you get better by playing someone better, the better we are as individuals the better the team is as a whole.


Q:    What expectations will you have coming into next year's volleyball season?


A:    I am very excited for the upcoming volleyball season. This season did not end how we wanted but we will take this spring to work on our weakness and build on our strengths. We all have a positive mindset to work hard and become a better team. We came off a good season and definitely want to build on that and take it to the next level with our very talented group of incoming freshmen.

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